Thursday, January 26, 2006

Will George Galloway support community demand to Tower Hamlets Council?


Dear George

KHOODEELAAR communications and questions to George Galloway Thursday 26 January 2006 about the Crossrail hole Bill

This is a brief note to confirm that I have spoken to many people in this constituency who have sought my views on your recent movements. Now that you are widely reported to have become available to contact via your office in the House of Commons, London, I am putting these following items of information and the outstanding questions to you about the Crossrail hole Bill. Please reply to this e-mail address as a matter of urgency today Thursday 26 January 2006:-

Information for George Galloway, MP for Bethnal Green and Bow

That the KHOODEELAAR the Brick Lane London E1 Area campaign against the Crossrail hole plan/scheme/project Bill was backed by a very fully packed Brady Centre meeting on Sunday 22 January 2006 where the local Tower Hamlets Council was given a two week ultimatum to pass a Council resolution opposing the Crossrail hole tunnel plan and to make that resolution available to Parliament in time so that no procedural time limit was missed and that should the Tower Hamlets Council fail to do so then legal and or other constitutional actions would be taken by and on behalf of the community to establish the community’s right to be defended and represented by the local Council.
That we have served the chief executive of the LBTH Council with due and comprehensive notice of the community demand for Tower Hamlets council to pass the resolution unequivocally opposing the Crossrail hole plans/scheme Bill and to submit the same to the UK parliament without delay and in any event not after any relevant crucial procedural stage is passed or missed.

Questions to George Galloway 1010 Hrs GMT Thursday 26 January 2006

1. Do you agree with the widely publicised criticism of you during the past three weeks that your most recent absences from the Bethnal Green and Bow Constituency and from your office in the House of Commons have adversely affected the interests of your constituents over the Crossrail Bill now in the UK Parliament? Whether your answer is yes or no, please state why your answer is credible, truthful and consistent with the legitimate expectations and the democratic rights of the people in the constituency on the matter of the Crossrail Bill.
2. Do you agree with the KHOODEELAAR demands that we have put to the local Tower Hamlets Council to date and if so what steps if any have you taken to aid the process of getting the Tower Hamlets Council to implement the demands?
3. We have put our demands on the World Wide Web throughout our main campaign and have included in archive files those of our demands that had not been originally published on the World Wide Web. Do you agree with those? If so, what steps have you taken in your capacity as the MP for Bethnal Green and Bow to see those demands implemented and recognised by these concerned and responsible including the Secretary of State for Transport [the UK cabinet minister fro Transport]?
4. What would you say is the best course of action for the community in the Brick Lane London E1 Area to taker or follow or support to protect the area from the Crossrail hole scheme/plan Bill?

Yours sincerely
The Honorary Coordinator
KHOODEELAAR! The Brick Lane London E1 Area campaign against the Crossrail hole Bill
1020 Hrs GMT
London Thursday 26 January 2006

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